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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Equine Reiki Helpful For?

Most horses respond exceptionally well to Reiki - from competition horses, retired ponies, happy hacks and your fun riders! 


It can help in many ways - both emotional and physical. Particularly as emotional distress and illness often manifest as physical symptoms. 

Reiki is excellent for relaxing and calming your horse and is beneficial for:

  • Easing anxiety and stress

  • Nervousness and spookiness

  • Separation issues

  • Losing a loved companion

  • Leaving behind past trauma

  • Helping the natural healing process

  • Preparing for their own passing

  • Improving your riding experience and relationship with your horse

 It can also help to provide relief and healing from physical conditions such as:

  • Colic

  • Arthritis

  • Lameness

  • Wind sucking

  • Loss of appetite

  • Laminitis and sweet itch

  • Recovering from an injury or surgery


It can also be used as a relaxing treatment for your horse, the same way you would get a massage for yourself. 

What is Reiki?

Reiki originated in Japan where Mikao Usui developed a self-healing technique by tapping into the universe’s life force energy. He developed a system and trained people how to self-heal and then to be able to help healing in others. This was the beginning of Reiki.


Everyone has access to this energy and during training you will be attuned to Reiki which involves a Reiki Master opening your chakras to be a channel for the energy to pass through to the recipient. The practitioner is merely a channel for the energy - which is present in all living things.


The Reiki energy itself is intelligent and goes to where it is needed most and always for the highest good of the recipient. It treats the cause of the problem and not just the presenting condition. So although we may be intending the energy to heal a certain condition it will go to where it is needed most.

Equine Reiki is non-invasive and uses no pressure or manipulation. It can be given as either a hands-on or a hands-off treatment depending on the horse's own preference.

It heals the horses on many levels - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Is Equine Reiki Safe?

Reiki cannot harm. Equine Reiki is suitable for all horses and works safely alongside veterinary medicine.

Before your session, I will email you a form asking about the health of your horse, the reason you've requested a session, and a reminder that you should seek your vet's permission. 

I am qualified and insured to practice on both animals and humans. 

What to Expect Before, During and After an Equine Reiki Session

Horses should be in a calm environment, preferably their stable or a small yard during a quiet part of the day. They should be fed prior to treatment - distracted or hungry horses are not as receptive to the treatment.

During the treatment, horses react differently to the energy. Most will go into a deep state of relaxation which is shown by them 'releasing' in various ways, such as yawning, licking and chewing, stretching, pawing the ground, and being dozy and sleepy. The rider usually stays close by for the treatment and can pick up on the healing energy - as can other horses and people close by. See my Facebook page which has some short videos showing during and after treatments. 

After the treatment they should be able to rest and have access to food and clean water. Ideally they should not be ridden for at least 24 hours. This ensures that the reiki continues to heal even after the treatment finishes.  

What Can I Expect From a Reiki Session for Myself? 

Reiki works to heal on all levels so mind, body, spirit and soul.


You know that when you feel angry, worried, tense, or any other emotion, your horse can pick up on it. Reiki can help bring you back into a more balanced state, which can stop your horse picking up negative energy and strengthen your relationship.


During a session, you can either sit on a chair with your horse nearby in the stable or yard, or you can lay on my mobile massage bed outside your horse’s stable (weather permitting). You will be fully clothed, and the treatment can be hands on or hands off, depending on your personal preference.


I will move around your body laying on hands (if permitted) on various parts of you. As with horses, the process is quiet and peaceful. It’s best to do it at a quiet time of day, especially if you are having a session shared with your horse. The aim is for you to fully relax and enjoy it. Focusing on your breathing helps you stay in the present moment. You may feel sensations like cold, warm, tingling, pins and needles etc, or you may feel nothing at all. It is all absolutely fine. The Reiki energy will be assisting with any healing that your body, mind, spirit and soul need.


Afterwards you should rest and drink plenty of water, eat a healthy meal and avoid alcohol. Ideally you also should avoid alcohol for 24 hours before your treatment.


People can feel a range of emotions after treatment. Most report feelings of lightness, relaxation, openness, happiness, able to communicate more effectively, and most of all at peace with themselves.


Others can feel the release of hidden trauma, past hurts or emotions such as grief or anger. Reiki helps to bring out these emotions in order to help us heal. As you have to feel it to be able to release it, you may experience a “healing curve” which is where you feel a bit down or headachy for a few days. However, this will pass quickly and you will then feel better for letting go of whatever it was that you no longer needed. As with the horses, often more than 1 session will be needed to be really effective.


Reiki treatments can make you feel more balanced in your mind and body, making you less prone to illness. As with your horse, you will fill in a health questionnaire prior to treatment. If you have certain medical conditions, for example a broken bone, I may advise not to use Reiki, or to check with your GP prior to getting treatment. As with horses, always seek guidance from your medical care team for any medical condition prior to booking a Reiki treatment. It is always to be used in conjunction with medical advice, never instead of.

How Much Does a Treatment Cost?

Prices start from £40 a session - see Services & Prices tab. One session may be enough, although depending on the issue, you or your horse may need additional sessions. You can book a single session or a short course of sessions.

What Regions Do You Cover?

I am based in Purton, Wiltshire and work there and across neighbouring counties including Gloucestershire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Somerset, Hampshire and Dorset. I am happy up to an hour away to travel for a small fee. Please contact me for a quote. 


If you have any other questions, contact me today and I’ll be in touch.

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